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3. ročník Slezského turnaje v hodu nožem a tomahawkem |
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News and current information for the year 2013 |
Dear competitors of Western Arts.
The Western Arts Club invites you heartily upon these contests. The 19th year of the Great awards Indiana Jones will take place on the traditional place of the Scout cottage “On the Hillside = na Stráni” in Rýmařov according to schedule 09. - 11.08. 2013.
This year’s 10th official European championship will take place in the days 11th – 12th October in the largest Western market-town of the Czech Republic in Boskovice in Moravia.
It will take place only at that time if a sufficient quantity of applicants from other European countries will enter for the competition.
In the past year we decided as organizers not to organize the 10th official European championship without a sufficient quantity of contestants from at least six European countries.
Last year in November was only the autumn competition - European open show organized, on which contestants from the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic took part. From the next week we will start to perform the registration of contestants, who will have the possibility to register in sufficient advance, so that we will be able to acknowledge the realization of the official Western Arts European Championship by the end of August. In case of an unsatisfactory attendance there will as well as in the past year the Open European Show only take place in the same way like the ones it was in the year 2012. |