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Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)
I. Indiana Kemp Championchip a V. Open Show 2016
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Areál westernové školy, Janovice u Rýmarova

23.-24.9. 2016

23.9.-  Pátek
 12.00 - 20.00
 Trénink, workshop, setkání soutěžících

24.9. - Sobota
 08.00 - 09.00    
 Registrace a prezentace soutěžících
 Setkání členů BLADE THROWERS CZ / SK

 09.00 -  Začátek soutěží:
 Hod nožem 3,4,5,6 a 7 metrů „WALK BACK”
 Hod tomahawkem 5,7,8 a 10 metrů „WALK BACK”
 No Spin nůž 2-6 metrů
 Bojová dráha na čas - nůž

 18.00 - V. OPEN SHOW
 Do soutěže jsou zapojeny všechny disciplíny- bič, laso, tomahawk, nůž a revolver.
 Soutěže budou probíhat v Amfiteátru La Skála.
 Vrhání nožů a tomahawků, popř. lukostřelba se uskuteční v prostorách vrhačského kolbiště.
 Je povolená jakákoli kombinace disciplín. Veškeré rekvizity jsou v režii soutěžících.

 19.00 -  Ukončení všech soutěží

 19.00 - 20.00 - Vyhlášení výsledků

 20.00 - 00.00 - Country bál, přátelské posezení

 Časový harmonogram se může měnit s ohledem na počet závodníků a počasí.
 Startovné 450 CZK, pro členy WAC 350 CZK

 Všichni účastníci obdrží účastnický list.

 Ceny pro vítěze: diplom, medaile a věcná cena.
 Vítěz Open show získá sochu vrhače a peněžitou odměnu 100 USD.
 K akci bude vydána výroční turistická známka.

 Soutěž proběhne při registraci minimálně 5 soutěžících nejpozději 10 dní před zahájením akce.
 Objednávky, rezervace a přihlášky soutěžících: email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 Telefon: +420 608732948. Veškeré informace naleznete na www.euwestern.eu



WESTERN ARTS CLUB have opened this year season

The first WAC event opening have taken place in early February time – a weekend course of trick ropingunder the guidance of a professional trick ropin master Josefc Pelc who is for more than ten years a member of the International Westman Team in Western Pullman City in Bavaria – Germany. The course was held in a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere of Indiana Western School in Janoviceattended WAC members, who are now preparing themselves for new performances and competitions.Josef „Pepa“ Pelc was in an excellent form and have certainly motivated all concerned colleagues by his great art .

We are pleased about it moreso that after the completion of the course Pepa Pelc became the new WACarbiter thus a valid member and guarantor of the quality of our club.Pepa is Europe's most renowned Western artist, he is not only an excellent trick roping master but also a Western rider, saddler and most long-standing friendwho supports our work.He have became another personality which our club can boastand have promised to participate and take show at this year's Indiana Grand Award.

It is now just couple of months I and my wife went as representatives of WAC at the invitation of the British Club of Western Artists across the Channel to the 1st International Western Skills Circus Festival from 21 -22. February. This has been the first official international meeting of western artists in the UK.The festival was held in Swansea - literally the swan sea which is a beautiful port city in Wales. It was very nice and friendly encounters with people by Western artists whose focus was training and teaching western arts skills. To a beautiful culmination of our stay in Wales have belonged our performancewhich was the main item on the agenda relegated to the end of the festival.Started cooperation from the last year British Championship has deepened and it has now culminated merging our organizations. At present we can boast 16 new members of the WAC from the UK of all 36 participants!This leads to a historic milestone in our activityin linking our countries both in terms of organization and in organizing official championships and European championships in the Czech Republic so as abroad. This is a result of more than twenty years of tradition of organizing such competitions in the Czech Republicand above 18 years of organizing the biggest European competition at the Rýmařov ground.

Such a mutual linking is a worthy outcome of our work for us just because our club was the first club in Europe which gained the status of a branch of the international Wild West Arts Club based in Las Vegas, USA. As an independent European Club we continue on with many years established tradition of western competitions here in Rýmařov and other places of the Czech Republic.

Today when we have built the necessary facilities in the Western School that is located in the Janovice quarry we can further continue in these activities. Work does not end and cultivating the whole area will take few more years but we are doing much better to create a new membership base particularly within today's young generation. Only in this way we can keep in Rýmařov tradition that is unique in the Czech Republic and whole Europe.

We heartilyinvite our fellow citizens to the western skills parade XIII. Indiana Grand Award in which apart from many established contestants will perform our followers among children and juniors. We believe that we are thus able to build on the 9-year official European Championshipsin western disciplines that in recent years in cooperation with the scout center we have managed to organize.We welcome new generation competitors of our western schools and heartily invite to the rich program of WAC season 2015.

Ladislav Šín

The 2015 UK National Sports, Circus and Performance Whip Cracking Convention
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Sunday and Monday 29th and 30th March 2015
In conjunction with the 2015 British Juggling Convention at :
Darton College,Darton,Barnsley,South Yorkshire,S75 5EF Tickets from www.bjc2015.co.uk




Kurz trikového lasování 2015
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